quilting, life's lessons, juggling work and school. - -
Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. -Edward Rickenbacker
These are what I got from my wonderful polka dot and rick rack swap partner Shelley. She had a little bump and needs to feel some love so polk over to her and give her big hugs ans squeezes. Shelley, I will be waiting to here the news but big hugs coming over the the US to find you in Australia... It is hard to see but can you see my cupcake pin cushion she made me. It has my name on it...Can you believe it:} I love it and look at all the pink. Do you see the little dog she made for me because we know I love my Sophie. Where would I be with out Sophie. The most awesome is what she wrote me in the card. It was absolutly wonderful. I can't read it cause it is a little to personal. I am learning not to give out so much information about me. \
This is the last post today but please go check out Shelley and say "hi"...Love you all for all the wonderful support you give and the goodies that I have received.
Next post. I was part of the SSCS Swap and have some pictures to show. You don't know who is my partner so it won't matter...When they do get it they will see. What a wonderful swap that has been rather hard on elf Donna. She has worked so hard on this and then they lost part of their crops. I love you elf Donna...:} However I think I did a bad thing. I think I forgot to wrap them...but now that I am thinking about it maybe I did wrap them up...:} I can't remember. I'm sorry if I didn't. I hope they will still enjoy them...I guess we will find out...They were lots of fun to make. I hope they are enjoyed as much as I had making them...
I have so much to share today. I have gotten behind. I have been working overtime at work and getting all my swaps out along with making my Christmas presents. So this first post is to acknowledge my wonderful gifties from the Polka dot and Rick rack swap that Sharon hosted:} I don't have pictures yet cause the camera is deader than a door nail:} Pictures will follow in the next post... Go check out Shelley she is the greatest! But what I really need to say is the gifts were way cool but it was the card she made me that was so awesome:} More to follow later but I want to Thank Shelly again and go over and check her out and tell her hello!!!
oh my gosh!!! Where do I start...Can I tell you I received the best gift in the world yesterday from Amy it is like she has known me forever because of what she made. I love applique. I love hand quilting and most I love pink. Oh yeah how did she guess that I am a total girly girl and love dresses. Did I tell you how much I love this little quilt? Thank you so much for the wonderful gift I will treasure it forever and ever!!!
I can finally post a few pictures and show what I have been doing. This picture of goodies went to May Brit for the Polka Dot and Rick Rack Swap hosted by our very own favorite Sharon at Red Geranium Cottage. It was fun. Thank you so much to Sharon for being a great host and setting it all up:)
I have been a busy beaver getting out my polka dots and rick rack out. Can't show pictures yet until she gets it. It is on its way across the ocean. I sure hope she likes what I did... I now have my SSCS ready to mail on Friday. I am a couple days late mailing but it is all ready to go and I can't make it to post office by time I get off work they are closed. So I will be in line Friday morning to get that mailed off and it also has a long travel over the ocean to a far away place. I have had fun doing these swaps.
Check out my side bar. I have added a BOM that just started if you like applique.
I hope everyone has a wonderful happy thanksgiving.
Where does the time go. I have to tell you my exciting news. I went to a knitting group last night and had the most wonderful time. Thank you to all the girls for making me feel so welcome:) It was great:)
I have been busy getting my polka dots and rick rack swap ready to mail. Peeks later:) I am also working on my SSCS and I have to get that ready to go next week. Then Dec 1st is my Doll Swap quilt and wait till you see all these goodies that are going to special places:) Can't show until they receive them but once they do. I can post. I am having so much fun. I am knitting and loving it and my confidence is picking up so all I want to do is knit. I think that my quilting just needs a break. Once I get my swaps off I will be knitting and can't wait. I have posted a little snowman wall hanging that I made about 10 years ago and I still love him cause I see how far I have come:)
Here is a little something from me to you:)
A man's daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her father...When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit."I guess you were expecting me”, he said. “No, who are you?”Said the father.
The minister told him his name and then remarked, 'I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew I was going to show up.' 'Oh yeah, the chair,' said the bedridden man.'Would you mind closing the door?' Puzzled, the minister shut the door.'I have never told anyone this, not even my daughter,' said the man. 'But all of my life I have never known how to pray.At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head.' I abandoned any attempt at prayer,' the old man continued,' until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me, 'Johnny, prayer is just a simple matter of having a conversation with Jesus.'
Here is what I suggest:
'Sit down in a chair; place an empty chair in front of you, and in faith see Jesus on the chair.It's not spooky because he promised, 'I will be with you always'.'Then just speak to him in the same way you're doing with me right now.' 'So, I tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day.I'm careful though.If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm.'
The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the old man to continue on the journey.Then he prayed with him, anointed him with oil, and returned to the church. Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her daddy had died that afternoon.Did he die in peace?' he asked.Yes, when I left the house about two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me he loved me and kissed me on the cheek.When I got back from the store an hour later, I found him.
But there was something strange about his death.Apparently, just before Daddy died, he leaned over and rested his head on the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that?'
The minister wiped a tear from his eye and said, 'I wish we could all go like that.'
Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive.
I asked God for water, He gave me an ocean.*
I asked God for a flower, He gave me a garden.*
I asked God for a friend, He gave me all of YOU...
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
We need to take a moment and remember everyone that has fought for peace for our country. Here is taking a moment to remember everyone. Saying a prayer for them all and their families.
No pictures to post. I have been working on getting my swaps that I have signed up for and need to get out. Can't show until they receive them and my camera is on the fitz.
I am stuck and maybe someone can unstick me. When I receive a comment I have it set up for an e-mail to alert me. It isn't working. I have gone into my settings and have my e-mail in there but any suggestions would help so much.
Have a great day:)
"To be happy; don't do whatever you like...Like whatever you do:)
I'm back...Needed a little time to get back on track. I thought I would post this flag I made a while ago. It was hanging on my door all summer and needed a good wash. I did what anyone would do and gave it a good soaking in preparation of election day today. Please vote:)
I will end with this quote and Sophie not wanting to get out of bed yesterday she was tucked in all nice and warm:) "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself..."
Look what came all the way from Australia! I received this in the mail yesterday from my Secret Stitcher's Angel Dale. I'm not able to find her blog but will keep trying to find and see if I can get information from Helen. She did an amazing job. I love it so much and guess what colors she used? Can you guess? I guess so because you can see the picture of it but I love pink and I love the soft muted tones she used. Thank you so much:) They truly are amazing:) Thank you so much Dale!!:)
Now my to do list for this week:
Do my cottage blocks and get mailed to T at purple & paisley by Friday.
Finish my stitcher's Angel projects and get them mailed by Friday.
So tonight my machine will be humming away finishing up my projects. Once my halloween swap partner receives her goodies I will show you what I did. It has been hard not to post what I have been working on since I can't show what I have been doing but pretty soon I can post:)
Todays words of wisdom: Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless your scared. - Edward Rickenbacker
I had a wonderful week-end with a girlfriend that I hadn't seen since high school. Wow, I was worried that I wouldn't recognize her and nervous we wouldn't have anything to talk about. Boy was I wrong we had such a good time. I kept her running from the time she landed. We went to shoreline village and ate at the yardhouse thursday evening. Friday we went to Huntington Beach, the Aquarium, Knott's Scary Farm where we had the poop scared right out of us. Saturday we went to hollywood and went on a bus tour and saw all the look alikes:) and walked the star of fame seeing all the stars:)
She left Sunday morning and then I finished my quilting projects that I had to get out but can't show until they get to there destination:) Once they do then I will post them until then I will show you my pictures of the week-end:)
Guess what...I did it:) I passed my Algebra class!! I am now free for a little bit to get caught up on some major quilting. I also need to get all my swaps done so they won't be looming over my head and need to make some trips to some fun quilt stores around the area...Just need to find them... Thank you for all your support to everyone and now to show you what I was awarded yesterday from Messy Karen...
the Blogging Friends Forever rules are: 1. only five people allowed. 2. four have to be dedicated followers of your blog. 3. one has to be someone new, or recently new to your blog, or live in another part of the world. 4. you must link back to whoever gave you the BFF award.
Let's see if I can do this: I pick 1. Em - for being so supportive 2. KR - who has just started a blog and happens to be Em's mom. 3. Kerri - who has been a great supporter 4. Susan - also did a great job on the halloween swap:) 5. Tina - who has been great
I did it! I hope you girls are ok with this. Some people don't enjoy getting tagged. I hope you enjoy it and please take it as a compliment
Libby tagged me to share 6 random things about myself. So here goes:
1) I love chocolate...any kind fixed any way. Never enough chocolate and if I could make that my main meal I would. It is the only way I get milk. I inherited that from my dad. He loves chocolate cake in a bowl with milk preferably whole milk he is so funny. Which leads me to #2
2) I am so lucky to have my Dad! He is the best Dad anyone could ask for. I tell my dad everything and he is my biggest supporter in life. He sometimes has a had time understanding from a girls view but I love my dad with all of my heart. He is so good about telling me every time we talk how much he loves me and how proud he is of me. I can't say enough about him. I Love you DAD!!! I have to edit this...(I just got a message from my dad---his words of encouragement for today is..."When you can't sleep--don't count sheep---talk to the Shepard"
3) After my husband was killed I learned to play in the dirt and enjoy it. I love to plant flowers now and love to plant and clean up in the fall to get the ground ready for next spring. Oh how I miss those times.
4) I am a fly by the seat of my pants...I love to do things with out planning ok sometimes it creates major havoc in my life but I do pretty good with that and it is probably the reason God decided I needed to have 3 boys before he gave me my 1 girl. It prepared me to have 3 boys a day short of 2 years and not even twins. Wow how I did it now is amazing...I think I shall pat myself on the back for this...:)
5) I love to meet people. My kids always laugh at me because I am always finding someone to talk to where ever I go. They say "Mom do you even know that person?" I say no but I do now and am glad I got to meet them:)
6) I am not very creative...I know with my love for quilting I should be but I depend on patterns and my friends to help me out. Again I love my friends:)
I did it:)...
Here are the rules for being tagged: 1. Link to the person who tagged you. OK, I did that. Click on Libby's name above. 2. Put the rules on the blog. Did that too! You are reading them. 3. Write 6 random things about yourself. See the list above.
Sorry I haven't been blogging. I have been putting all my time into my final Algebra exam on Saturday the 18th. This was a condensed 9 week class that has been tough. Somedays I feel like I am to old to do this. Last Saturday I got back my test that I had taken 2 weeks ago and had the 2nd highest score in the class! Let me tell you it was only a 76 so I don't know if that is good or bad...I am still struggling with it but my goal is to pass the class. Once I am a nurse they aren't going to ask me what my grades were in school they are going to make sure I have a license. Right? So last Friday night I had been studing all week and had my homework done for the week and since I live such a quiet life I was tired of studying and needed to treat myself to something fun. So guess what I did? I made the table topper that I won fromhere...:) I loveDesandCorrie. Des has been one of my many biggest supporters cheering me on for my algerbra class. Thank you all for supporting me on this. When you don't have anyone at home to cheer you on it is nice to have you all cheering me on and has kept me going...I love all of you and Thank you to Nanette also for being one of my biggest supporters!:) I am going into study mode till Saturday afternoon then I will be back:)
I am leaving you with this food for thought:
Bring Positive People Into Your World You need to surround yourself with people who care about and support you even in your darkest hours. Avoid those who nag, complain or involve you in their problems, says Kirshenbaum. Toxic people, who put you down to lift their own spirits, suck the life right out of you. Spending more time with those who make you feel good about yourself or inspire you in some way will revive you.
Never Live In The Past Quit dwelling on what may have happened in the past had you made different decisions. Instead, focus on the here and now and what you need to do to move forward. Do you want to go back to school? Change careers? Be more adventurous? Put the spark back in your romance? "You are in charge of the meaning in your life," says Kirshenbaum.
Enjoy Life Fun is fuel. Those who genuinely enjoy an activity tend to excel at it; job, sport, etc. Enjoy life and you will excel. Focus on what you love about your life. Make a list of all the things you have enjoyed in the past. If it was fun once, it will be again. Now, go do it!
check this out...I had some time after my algerbra test I worked on my halloween secret...I can only show a little until it goes in the mail this week...I hope she will like it????
I am busy studying for Algebra big exam on Saturday so can't take time to post...I still check on my favorite blogs...I do want to say thank you to Des and Corrie at Quilt Taffy!!! I received my winning bag of goodies and will post later this week:) Will show what I got:) Thank you so much!! I also want to mention a 100th post giveaway over at Quilter Going Banana's...Go sign up:)
Today I don't have much to post so I thought I would show you a picture of Sophie...When I was taking my pictures of my winnings and what I received in the mail Sophie thought she should model for you also...:) Enjoy
I have so much to show you this week-end...Do you know how exciting it is to go to your mailbox and have packages falling out of it...1st pictures is from my winning. Thank you so much Kerry for the opportunity to win. Go see what Kerry has on her website her patterns are awesome. Wait till I am done with my algebra class and you will see a picture of the finished product...2nd picture is from my Halloween swap partner go and look at the amazing work she does with crazy quilt stitching and the cards she makes amazing...Thank you so much for the goodies. I received a Halloween pencil and a pencil from where she was from. an awesome trading card, Halloween stickers and a wonderful hanging. I then got an e-mail from quilt taffy telling me I won...Check out and see what I won over there. More to follow just needed to let everyone know how exciting it is winning and I love you all:)
OMG...Most embarrassing moment just happened...Remember I work in a refinery and I am a girly girly that works with all guys ok maybe we are 95% guys to 5% girls...anyway today I have a skirt on with black tights on ok are you feeling me yet? Are you seeing where I am going...where is Sharon when I need her cause I can here her telling this so good you would be rolling anyway on with my story. I had gone to the bathroom and in my bosses office and he is also helping me with my algerbra class since he is an engineer and math for him is not a problem...so during lunch today I am in his office and trying to do a math problem that I was struggleing with on the white board and he says sitting in his chair behind me that something is wrong with your skirt...I instantly go into a panic and flip around trying to feel behind me and my skirt is OMG tucked up in my panties...yep can you believe it for the last hour I am wondering around with my skirt tucked up inside my panties my only saving grace was that I had on black tights...Hope you enjoyed your little laugh and here is wishing you a great day that can only get better...:)
This second post it to Randi because I agree it is nice to put a name with a face after talking so long with people. However, on the flip side I understand don't want to put themselves out in blog land and keep themselves protected so I have covered myself in both areas and am not afraid to post any pictures of me so here you go.. Nothing is recent but all within the last 6 months...The first picture is with Tony Stewart's car. I love the races...I love Nascar, Formula 1, all of them but I won't bore you with that. Next picture is one that was taken of our group at work and I just cropped myself out so I wouldn't have put the guys that I work with...they may have not liked that.
I forget to have you check out Nanette's site for the fun christmas swap she is hosting...go check it out...Enoungh for one day:)
It is official...The calendar tells us today is the first day of fall...I don't know if it is in my head or it is amazing how the weather has changed even for Southern California...
Nothing on the home front that pertains to quilting this week-end it was all about Algebra...I only have 4 more weeks left. I know I can do this but boy will I be glad to be done...it gets me that much closer to my life long dream since I was 7 years old wanting to be a nurse in a hospital...
Look what I was given from Molly. Thank you Molly this was so awesome of you to find me and give me this award. Not sure how you even found me but I must say it is exciting knowing that people are out there finding me. I don't do a lot of posting and i don't do very much quilting lately. I sure do enjoy reading everyone else's posts and seeing the pictures. Most important I love the giveaways and doing the swaps. I love it and am in blog heaven...:) Thanks everyone for all your great e-mails and the support. If you only knew how much they meant to me!!!
Look...I did it!! I made my first basket from the tutorial from the pink penguin! It really was easy! I don't know what I am more excited about actually sewing or making something and completely finishing it. I was over reading Nanette's blog where her daughter had actually posted yesterday and while I was reading it I was saying to myself oh my gosh that is me...I drive my no blog friend crazy cause I start something and then never finish it. Go over and see what I am talking about. Anyway thanks so much everyone for sharing and also being my cheering section. Don't forget to go over to Needles 'n' Notions she is doing a drawing for her 100th post. Congratulate her and sign up...you never know it might be you that wins:) Everyone likes to be a winner:) Have a great day!!!
hey everyone...go check out Needles 'n' Notion...she is doing a 100th blog giveaway and I was the first one to sign up so go sign up and maybe you might win...
Can you believe it... still no quilting...however, I did survive my first exam in my algerbra class then I spent the rest of the day relaxing and reading this... and after that i read this... got some good ideas...I want to do a smaller version of the pumpkin quilt on the october issue. I loved it...Hope all is good with everyone:)
Can you believe it...I won for the first time in blog land. Kerry had a post for a giveaway and guess what? I won! I am so excited. I was jumping up and down at work and the guys were looking at me like I was crazy...that's ok what they don't know won't hurt them. So go check out Kerry's blog and see how I won...people do really win. Thank you so much Kerry! I e-mailed you with my address and the patterns I want..(oops) ok pattern since I need to pick just one. It was very hard. I will post a pic as soon as I get one made.
Now if you want to get in another great giveway go to ... oh maybe I shouldn't tell you because then I won't win if so many people get it. Ok it's not fair so I will share cause I would want you to share with me..go see Des at Quilt Taffy and she is giving away not one but two patterns so if you win will you share...just kidding. go see Des and check out the cool pattern for the pincushion she is giving away and good luck.
Don't forget you still have time to sign up for the Halloween swap if you want to.. See you later:) and make sure you tell at least 5 people that you love them today...
Hey guess what another swap for all of you that like Halloween this is a fun and easy one that I have signed up for. Just what I need huh... I am excited to do this one along with Sharon's Polka Dot and Rick Rack so go and see if you are interested in either. I think that the polka dot and rick rack is closed but the halloween is just starting so go see Susan and let her know you want in. Have a great day:)
Guess what I am doing a new swap...I am waiting for my partner. Which brings up the point that I need to say thank you to everyone that visited my blog and left me comments about how to be a great secret angel...Thank you so much. I am loving these swaps and I love all you in blog land...I don't have anything to post that is quilting since I am investing most all of my time in my algebra class. I have my first exam on Saturday morning...I can't wait. I feel really good. We will see on Saturday how good I feel. Maybe then I can find something quilty to post. I want to say thank you to chookyblue for sending peeps over to help me with my question about being a good angel. Thanks for that:) so not much else to report on so I will leave you with a quote that I keep by my desk..."Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared...Edward Rickenbacker" Have a great day:)
How come it takes me so long to post? Time is going way to fast. Look what I got in the mail this week-end....it finally came:) I can now officially be a part of The Great Pumpkin Quilt-Along. The first thing I will do is check to make sure I have all the blocks. I have tomorrow off and I have done all my homework for the week. I have been very good about studying so I am going to pull fabric and maybe get a block put together so I will have some handwork to keep with me.
Now next question for anyone that is doing the Stitchers' Angel what would you suggest so I could be an awesome angel. I would love to hear any tips you might have since I have never done anything like that and it will also prepare me for the secret santa... Thanks ahead of time for your tips and have a great week-end and watch for my post with my block....:)
JulieK sparked my interest yesterday with her post on Sunbonnet Sue. She wanted to see pictures from other bloggers about Sunbonnet Sue. Then I got a call from my no-blog best friend in Montana last night which was out of the norm since I only here from her during the day when the kids are in school and we can talk. Lets just give you a little information about my no-blog best friend then I will talk about sunbonnet sue. My no-blog best friend and I have been best friends since 5th grade wowza that is a long time. In our early 20's we took our first quilting class and were hooked. 20 years later this last Halloween I flew to Montona where she picked out my Sophie and we got our first tattoo...guess what it was? That's right it was 2 SunBonnet Sue's sitting on a swing. When I go to her house I load up a suitcase of fabric and UFO's and take my sewing machine as my carry on the airplane and spend a week in heaven with her. I love to go and hang out. It is heaven for me. Anyway when I am there she has a wooden swing on her porch and we sit out there and quilt and talk. It is the best! We have made so many memories! I love her!! She has been my best friend and has helped me and been there for me when no one else was...I love you....Thanks for being my best friend:)
Now on with the sunbonnet sue sharing. I must admit this is not my quilt but would love to take the credit. It is my no-blog best friend and she called me last night to tell me she entered it into the fair this week and guess what she got? She placed 2nd in her division. How cool is that? We were pretty excited so then I had to tell her about JulieK how she had a post yesterday on sunbonnet sue and said I am going to do my post on you winning 2nd at the fair. Way to go...I guess now I better do mine. For my birthday I got the sunbonnet sue book better get to work on it....
I have been given my angel information. I am an official angel. I was panic stricken when I didn't get an e-mail but I just hadn't received it. Can you guess I'm really excited about it. This blogging is so much fun. I haven't done any quilting or knitting this week-end. Can you guess what I did do? I started back to college for my nursing. This semester I enrolled in one class that is 5 credits and it is the worst....algebra! The good thing is that it's only a 9 week class. However, it means I am eating, drinking, and sleeping algebra. Check out these 2 giveaways. First is Camille and then Fat Quarter Shop They are both giving away Cotton Blossoms stuff. I have my toes and fingers crossed that I might win at least one of them.
A Giveaway from Heather Mulder Peterson of Anka’s Treasures She is great designer check out her giveaway. Also I have another blogger friend that is setting up a x-stitch round robin if you are interested go see Beth. I think it would be fun. I love talking with all of you that I have met in blog land and always love to read my e-mails. I am excited because I got in on the Secret Santa swap and think this will be so much fun.
I have been very busy studying for my algebra class that is starting on Saturday so for the next nine weeks it is all about algebra. Might get a little time in to quilt or to do a little knitting. This week-end my date with myself will be to go check out mama mia... I have heard great reviews on it and how can you go wrong with Meryl Streep. Thanks to Des for the giving the great review!:)
I also wanted to drop a few lines about the Secret Santa out that might need some help in trying to find out what I like...It would probably be easier to say what I don't cause I love everything:) I love primitive. I love pink. I love life and chocolate...I love quilting....I love to knit...I love flowers and girly things...How is that?
Have a great day everyone and remember: Don't do whatever you like--Like whatever you do! Polly
Good Morning to all my friends:) I haven't written in a few days since I don't really have anything to show. I do have lots to tell you. I did spend the week-end knitting a baby sweater for my youngest granddaughter. (sorry don't know the abbv for blog land.) It is a sweater that starts at the top and you work down all in one piece. I can read directions, can knit and purl, have good tension but still learning. However, if I mess up I rip it out I can't take stitches out. So I look at it after ripping it out twice that it was great practice for me. Now I don't want to put it down. I am nervous about the sleeves so more progress to follow on the baby sweater. Last week my sister came by my work and gave me a package of goodies. I wish I would have had my camera it was so cute. It was totally me. Not one but 2 coffee cups from starbucks. One was a mug that has a flower with Inspire written on it. (that is my favorite) She got me a car one also that is pink with flowers on it. Totally love it...Then gave me a candle that says: giggles, secrets, sometimes tears. Sister and friends throughout the years. I love it then she put in a little bowl with flowers and filled that full of candy for my desk and the last was a pink pen. Loved it it meant so much. But most important we made a date for sunday. We went to seal beach and laid in the sun and chatted. It was the best. It is very hard for me to get time with my sister so when I do I cherish it. However, we learned a valuable lesson when you get your parking ticket and it is good for two hours lets just say at the end of the two hours you should pack your bag and go home. Especially when you are blonde and fair. Just because it is cool temperature wise at the beach doesn't mean that you aren't getting any sun. So when you go and add 2 more hours to your parking ticket and leave after 4 hours at the beach. You get 2 red blonde lobsters that night that are laughing so hard because they hurt so bad. Wouldn't you think that after 43 years you would know better. I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Thanks Shawnette for spending time with your needy big sister.
Tomorrow is the new post for block #2 of the Star BOM. I am so excited!! I feel that I need to post or maybe vent today about what Judy has (or is) going through. Remember this is my view and feeling about this. I think people complaining about Judy's hard work and publishing a FREE BOM for us to enjoy is totally awesome! Just because they don't or can't read and follow the directions doesn't mean that has anything to do with her. This struck a cord with me since I have learned to view life in a different way since my husband was killed in a motorcycle accident. Life is to short to give up or blame someone else for things that we do wrong. This Star BOM is a great way to challenge yourself if you have gotten set in your way in regards to quilting. First look at using the 16" of an inch, it is funny to see how many of us have learned where the 16" of an inch and we learned this in the first block so what will we learn in the remaining blocks? I want to take this moment to thank Judy for helping me step outside the box and learn something new. I now know how to read a ruler using the the 16"of an inch and learned that there is even a 32nd of an inch mark on that ruler. However, I can't really see the markings that great even with my reading glasses on...(old age does suck). Do you know what else I want to thank Judy for. I have been quilting for the last 20 something years and I avoid the bias. Why? Let me tell you why...because when I press my seems I really press them and so I have a hard time with my blocks being square and not wavy. So the bias, wowza, see the hairs on my arms standing on end? That is because I will totally stretch out my block with the way I press. With that I have stayed away from the bias thing but when I saw Judy's quilt. I loved it and being on a budget right now with going back to school and such I loved that fact that it was free so here I am. I do have to admit that when I sat down to do the first block after spending 2 hours picking out my fabrics using up my stash and doing a scrappy quilt. I was ready to go but then the brakes came on because it was now 8 pm and what was this cut a square 5 3/16" what is that. I take pride and say ok I can cut 7/8" but what is a 5 3/16"? HELP!! So I got on line knowing that Judy was out of town from her post so I couldn't go to her and I do have to admit that is when I didn't like the blog thing because I wanted to reach out and talk to someone so I could do my block. I wasn't going to bed till I did! (once I get something in my head I can't quit) so I started snooping and posting notes for those of you that had already done your block. So check this out. I sent out SOS's and look at what Gail did for me. Remember I am new at this blogging thing so I don't know alot but she was amazing...(Thank you Gail) I felt so loved that you would take time to edit your blog and put a note out there for me to find:) Anyway back to the topic...I did finally have to call my BF and ask him where is the 16" on the ruler and he was so helpful about explaining to me where it was and away I went. Ok it was really 2 calls but also needed to have an excuse to hear his voice because I was so nervous about cutting out my block and it is hearing his voice that calms me the minute I hear him. Wow, how come I keep getting side tracked here? So I got my block cut out but was nervous about working with the bias but knowing it would stretch I knew I had to be extra careful. Ok so I will be truthful. I did great until it was 11 pm and i had to get up at 4 am so the last 2 steps I didn't measure or square up so my block went down the tube just like that. I will admit I was so mad the next day I am not doing this BOM and it was dumb but then my foot reached back and gave me a good swift kick in the pooper and I reminded my self I am not a quitter! I am a quilter...and I have overcome a lot in my life and I am not going to quit. I can do this...I can do this...I also had a lot of people pushing me not to give up. I am a very vocal person and need to talk about what goes on in my head to everyone. So, after everyone telling me not to give up. Guess what? I did my block 1 for the second time and it turned out perfect. Did I tell you that my second block TURNED OUT PERFECT...oh am I yelling that. Sorry it is all the excitement of it measuring out 12 1/2" and that I have 1/4" around for my points. How cool is that...It is way cool. So remember all you bloggers out there life is to short to not be happy! Believe me I don't live in a perfect pink house and I struggle at life and what it deals us but really lets be happy we have someone that is willing to give us a free STAR BOM!!! Way to go Judy...Step outside the box and enjoy life. It is to short and you never know what tomorrow will bring.
Guess what. I finally did it and it only took me 2 times. It seems I always do things the hard way but last night it only took me two times to do the first BOM of Judy's. If you haven't checked it out you need to it is going to be fun. So let me tell you how it has really challenged me. First I didn't know how to read 16" on a ruler now I do. I didn't really like working on the bias and really stay away from it. But guess what now I can do it. Check this out... The yellow one is the good one and it was so easy.
Good Morning to all my friends!!! I hope you are having a wonderful beginning to a great week. Today I want to start off letting you know if you haven't already signed up for the Stitcher's Angel Swap check out Helen's blog and sign up today. I did it. I figured out how to get her logo on my sidebar. (If I could figure out how to put her logo up on my side bar I would. All I can get is her link. Go figure. Someday I will get this figured out.) You don't want to miss out because you will fill sad when everyone is talking about it. Ask me how I know? Because I didn't get signed up in time for the Christmas swap at Chookyblue and I was very blue that I didn't get in. Maybe next time. If you want to win some fabric click here: This is for 4 yards of the sample pack. Go check her out:)
I went home last night and walked my Sophie and feel like a million dollars after not feeling so good last week-end. I can relate to poor Bailey with a icky tummy. I hope he will feel better soon. If you need a little pick me up go see the cosmos and that will make you smile. They are beautiful! When I saw them they gave me warm fuzzys and made me think of my cosmos when I was married. Here is wishing you a great day and thanks so much for being my friends. Polly
Where did the week-end go? I did not get any sewing time. I ran all week-end but got a lot of errands done before I go back to school. I am trying to get everything done before I start school in 2 weeks. Trying to work and go back to school. I am taking 9 units or credits whatever you prefer to call them. When I wasn't running this week-end I was sleeping I think I got hit with a touch of the flu bug and my tummy was not happy at anything I put in it. However after seeing Beth's first block on the pumpkin quilt I want to get going on that. I am waiting for my pattern should have it this week. If you haven't seen it check it out. I have enjoyed the encouragement of Beth, Anita, Des, Glenna, & Sharon. I feel like I was a little kid when they found my site and were encouraging me. It was like wow this really is fun to be able to meet and talk to so many people! Thanks for the encouragement and cheering me on!!! Here is wishing you all a great day and I will be adding more on as I feel more comfortable.
This is the beginning to my blogging. I am so exited about this. Please keep in mind that I struggle with my grammar so this will help make my writing skills stronger or so I hope. As I get better at this I will post pictures of what is going on in my daily adventures. I look forward to chatting with you on daily basis. Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like to share with me. I am always open.