Friday, December 3, 2010
I'm Back
I'm back...I am ready...I am here for me and no one else. I do lots of prowling on other blogs and have decided for several reasons to come back. Most important I need to do this for me. I need to journal or so I have been told but I do feel I need to write my thoughts down. I am hurting so bad on one side and the other I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is my blog and if punctuation isn't correct or I say something you don't like you can leave but this is my space. So now that I have said that I will be back soon for a new post. You have to start somewhere and that somewhere is here for me. I am still breathing and still alive and for me that is huge. 2 weeks ago I was ready to quit. I didn't want anymore. I survived the 2 weeks so lets keep going!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Grandbaby #3 arrived at 9:33 pm
May 27th at 9:33 p.m. Alexis Gail Kolean was born weighing 8lbs 10oz and 20 1/2" will follow within the next few days. What a day yesterday was. Why girls never learn or have the desire to know about buying a car? I have been babying my car and yesterday it died. At least it didn't happen on the freeway or on my way to school to take my final...nope it went to the mechanics and then he couldn't get it started and so I had to get another car. A new day, a new grandbaby;} a new car ok so new to don't think I can take much more today.
Have a great day;}
Have a great day;}
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I'm back...
I'm back...Wowza it has been a long time. I have a grandbaby due anyday, I have started training to run my first marathon, check it out, I have finished my microbiology class, and I am going to start the nursing progam July 21st. I don't know how much quilting I will be doing but I am knitting a baby sweater for baby Lexy when she comes to join us in this world. I have missed you all and it is good to be back...
Please leave me a little note that you have stopped by and I can chat with all my friends that I have missed so much;}
Please leave me a little note that you have stopped by and I can chat with all my friends that I have missed so much;}
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy New Year

I hope this finds everyone starting off with a great new year;} I need to post my goodies from my SSCS. I did send her a note telling her how much I loved them but couldn't post a pic of them cause my camera wasn't working but guess what. I took a break from work today to do a little catching up on blogs. Over on chookyblue there were my goodies that I received from Yvonne. Thank you so much. She had been following my blog and saw how much I had liked my goodies from my polka dot and rick rack swap that she actually sent me the book that had some of the patterns in it:) how awesome is that. She sent me some great chocolate and a great table runner. I have that at my desk at work. This is were I spend at least 10 hours a day at so I get to admire it the most:) It was great having a gift to open on Christmas. I wish I could have shown you how beautiful she had it wrapped. Thank you so much Yvonne and to elf Donna:) It made my Christmas that much more special to have friends that would take so much time and consideration into my christmas present.
The bad news is that my doll swap partner did not received here little quilt so I am making another one. The good side is that since I made it once the second time it is going a little quicker. I learned a valuable lesson on this. NEVER send out a swap gift with out a tracking number. Pay the extra to have someone sign for it. Anyway I feel so bad for my partner and am working like a mad person to get another quilt done for her in the meantime she is watching for the first one. It doesn't help that I am working 12 hours a day 7 days a week right now and starting school on the 12th of January so I won't be signing up for any swaps for a couple of months probably won't have time to do a lot of posting but will be thinking of you all everyday and saying a pray that you are safe and sound.
"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
Monday, December 8, 2008
These are what I got from my wonderful polka dot and rick rack swap partner Shelley. She had a little bump and needs to feel some love so polk over to her and give her big hugs ans squeezes. Shelley, I will be waiting to here the news but big hugs coming over the the US to find you in Australia... It is hard to see but can you see my cupcake pin cushion she made me. It has my name on it...Can you believe it:} I love it and look at all the pink. Do you see the little dog she made for me because we know I love my Sophie. Where would I be with out Sophie. The most awesome is what she wrote me in the card. It was absolutly wonderful. I can't read it cause it is a little to personal. I am learning not to give out so much information about me. \
This is the last post today but please go check out Shelley and say "hi"...Love you all for all the wonderful support you give and the goodies that I have received.
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