These are what I got from my wonderful polka dot and rick rack swap partner Shelley. She had a little bump and needs to feel some love so polk over to her and give her big hugs ans squeezes. Shelley, I will be waiting to here the news but big hugs coming over the the US to find you in Australia... It is hard to see but can you see my cupcake pin cushion she made me. It has my name on it...Can you believe it:} I love it and look at all the pink. Do you see the little dog she made for me because we know I love my Sophie. Where would I be with out Sophie. The most awesome is what she wrote me in the card. It was absolutly wonderful. I can't read it cause it is a little to personal. I am learning not to give out so much information about me. \
This is the last post today but please go check out Shelley and say "hi"...Love you all for all the wonderful support you give and the goodies that I have received.